Forklift Attachment Concrete Block Clamp Class 3

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Kapacitet @ centar za opterećenje

(kg @ mm)

KatalogKlasa montažeOpseg otvaranja




(A) (mm)

Duljina ruku (B)


Debljina ruku

(D) (mm)

Širina okvira (C)


Vertikalni centar gravitacije

(CGV) (mm)

Vodoravno središte gravitacije (CGH) (mm)Efektivna debljina (ET)






1) Molimo nabavite stvarnu sveobuhvatnu nosivost viljuškara / priključka od tvornice viljuškara

2) Zahtijeva viljuškar za povećanje 2 dodatna ulja.


Brzi detalji

Mjesto porijekla: Fujian, Kina (kopno)
Robna marka: HUAMAI
Standard ili nestandardno: Standardno
Naziv proizvoda: blok stezaljka
Nosivost: 2700 kg
Klasa montaže: 3
Opseg otvaranja: 330-1650 mm
Dužina ruke: 1200 mm
Visina ruku: 240 mm
Debljina ruke: 190 mm
Širina okvira: 1015 mm
Debljina debljine: 152 mm
Težina: 765 kg

A concrete block clamp is a type of forklift attachment used for handling and transporting concrete blocks. The clamp attaches to the forklift and holds the concrete blocks in place, allowing the operator to easily pick up, move, and place the blocks.

The concrete block clamp is designed to fit a variety of forklifts and can be attached by quick-release mechanisms or bolts, depending on the model. Once attached, the concrete block clamp can be easily raised and lowered by the forklift’s hydraulic system. The clamp is also designed to securely hold the blocks in place, reducing the risk of injury and damage to the load and the environment.

One of the main advantages of the concrete block clamp is its versatility. It can handle a wide range of concrete blocks, making it a convenient accessory for a variety of material handling tasks. The clamp also makes it easier to transport the blocks, reducing the risk of injury to the operator and other workers.

Another advantage of the concrete block clamp is its efficiency. The clamp makes it easier to handle and transport the blocks, reducing the time and effort required to complete the task. This makes it more cost-effective and time-efficient, saving companies time and money in the long run.

In conclusion, the concrete block clamp is a useful tool for handling and transporting concrete blocks. It is versatile, efficient, and cost-effective, and is an essential tool for companies that handle heavy loads on a regular basis.