Stezaljke za viljuškare viljuške cigle blok stezaljke
Product Advantages Shantui 3 ton forklift brick clamp China Xinchai c490 engine equipment with China Xinchai C490 engine, hydraulic transmission,USA EATON hydraulic assisted steering valve,SHIMADZU oil pump,full suspension chassis.It is widely used to handing all kinds of goods,such as pallet,steel,brick etc.Shantui has cooperated with KOMATSU more than 30 years,all the product was made under KOMATSU standard. Engine Model XINCHAI C490 Rated Output 40/2650 Kw/rpm Rated Torque 165/1800 N·m/rpm No.of cylinder 4 Bore×stroke 90×105 mm Displacement 2.7 L Dimensions Lifting Height ...

3T viljuškar sa stezaljkom za pričvršćivanje bala
OPCIJA: Kao profesionalni proizvođač viljuškara, možemo vam ponuditi i prilagođenu uslugu, Sljedeće stavke su opcione: Kontejnerski jarbol, na primjer, 2-stepeni potpuno slobodni jarbol od 3m, 3-stepeni potpuno slobodni jarbol od 4,5m Bočni menjač, pozicioner viljuški, duže vilice, produžetak vilice Za detalje o prilagođenim konfiguracijama i opcijama, molimo kontaktirajte nas. VMAX profesionalna usluga će biti impresionirana vama. OSTALO: A: Datum isporuke: 30 dana nakon prijema depozita B: Uslovi plaćanja: T/T (30% depozita, ostatak uplaćen ...

Pozicionirač vilice za bočni pomični viljuškar
Function And Applications Forklift side shifting fork positioner is applicable to the material distribution, warehousing and manufacturing industries, make the forklift driver accurately adjust the spacing of the forks with good and wide vision. Features -The lateral oil cylinder piston rod, the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance. Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve, adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. -Mechanical performance: fork USES the fine steel, ...

Priključci za pozicioniranje viljuškara viljuškara
Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve,adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork uses the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling,compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Note Obtain the actual capacity of the forklift and attachments from the forklift manufacturer, Two ...

Teški hidraulični hidraulični metalni čelični pozicionirani viljuškar
Heavy Duty Hydraulic Metal Fork Positioner For Diesel Forklift Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve,adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork uses the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling,compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Note Obtain the actual capacity of ...

Držač kartonske stezaljke za viljuškar 3t
Selling Point 1. Chinese Automatic Transmission With TCM Technology Improves Operator's Efficiency, Responding Rapidly And Smoothly. 2. Intelligent Buffer Design Avoids Sharp Collision And Minimizes The Risk Of Damage During Lower Of Loads, Wide-view Mast Also Provides High-visibility To The Operator 3. High-Capacity Aluminum Radiator Is Designed For Efficient Thermal Transfer Fin And Oil Cooler For The Transmission Torque Converter, Assists In Improving Iongevity Of Engines. 4. Wide Range Of Diesel, Gasoline, And LPG Engine Options Specification Of Forklift origin ...

Pričvršćivač hidrauličnog pogonskog viljuška Forkllit
Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve, adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork USES the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling, compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Specification Capacity/ Load Center (kg@mm) Model Mounting Class Adjust Range Of The Forks ...